There has been a lot going on during my absence from the blogospere. JJ is almost 19 weeks old! During JJ's first week of life, my family started talking about the possibility of my husband joining the family grain operation. This is a big deal! How fantastic would it be to be around family? JJ could grow up with her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
However, there were a lot of options to weigh. Farming is not an easy occupation. Even though grain prices are high right now, input costs are also expensive. There is always the weather that cannot be controlled. I know how it is to grow up with a farmer and their moods. Too much rain, too little rain, etc.
After many sleepless nights, my HHBL (hunk a hunk a burning love) and I decided that this would be the best move for our family. We were lucky enough to have a house waiting for us at home. My Grandmother passed away in May and her house has been sitting vacant. We are also lucky enough to have great parents who helped us fix up the house in the past three months. The carpets and wallpaper were removed, the bathroom gutted, etc etc etc. Between working long weeks at the potato chip factory and working on the house on the weekend, we have been exhausted. Did I mention that this house is only a couple miles away from my parents and only about 1/4 mile from two of my three sisters?
Last weekend, we finally made the big move! I can't believe how different our life already is after less than a week. At our old house, the closest family was 1.5 hours away. It was just the two (eventually three) of us living in our own little world. JJ has seen her grandparents and at least one aunt, uncle, or cousin every single day since we have moved.
Our future in farming may not be easy but it is the lifestyle that we have chosen. Thank goodness that farming is a family business!
I have to send out a special thanks to my uncle who made this opportunity available to us. How lucky we are to have such a wonderful family!
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
5 days ago